If you are in crisis, seek immediate help. Call 9-1-1 immediately.
Searching for Harm Reduction, Treatment or Recovery Resources?
Get Connected. Get Answers.
Find services in your area. Connect with Maine specialists at 211 Maine 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Communication in all languages. Completely confidential. Dial 2-1-1. Text 898-211. https://211maine.org
Get Harm Reduction Supplies.
Maine Access Points, Health Equity Alliance and other needle exchanges provide outreach and delivery of naloxone and harm reduction supplies, overdose prevention education, peer support, and advocacy.
Click for points of access.
Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator
SAMHSA’s confidential and anonymous treatment locator is for individuals seeking information regarding substance use and/or mental health problems.
The Maine Recovery Hub
The Maine Recovery Hub is home to nine state-funded recovery community organizations that provide recovery support services in their communities.
OPTIONS Save Lives
The State of Maine OPTIONS program focuses on increasing access to harm reduction supplies including naloxone, treatment services, and recovery resources.
Get COVID-19 stress management help.
StrengthenME is Maine’s behavioral health and resiliency response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It provides free stress management, wellness, and resiliency resources to anyone experiencing pandemic stress. StrenghtenME is free, confidential, and available to anyone in Maine.
Crisis Support Hotlines:
Maine’s 24-hour Statewide Crisis Helpline – 1.888.568.1112
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – 1.800.273.TALK (8255)
Northern New England Poison Control Center – 1.800.222.1222
Substance Use Disorders Hotlines/Websites:
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) – 1.800.737.6237 csoaamaine.org
Eyes Open for ME – 1.800.974.0062 www.eyesopenforme.org
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) – 1.800.974.0062 www.namaine.org
Statewide Al’anon – 1.800.498.1844 www.maineafg.org